Monday, March 2, 2015

Women... Again

Daniel's Assertion
Here we go again guys. Daniel is coming back to women. Don't understand why I thought we touched on this already, but I guess. Anyway Daniel starts off asking his readers to forgive him if he does not analyze in depth... Well we can't forgive you for that. It is your job to analyze in depth. Imagine a prosecutor telling a jury that he doesn't have enough time to present all of the evidence in detail, so he'll do a sloppy job presenting everything. The defense would win handily. Also, if you don't have enough space just use less verses, you have another chance for a rebuttal. Then he states something quite atrocious if I would say so myself; telling men to treat them as they would treat themselves DOES change everything. I do not comprehend why you think this way. For the record, I won't be responding to any images, hyperlinks, or memes. I am only reading the Scripture he puts in his blog. I only read the Scripture he puts in his blog and I recommend you do the same. Let me explain why, if Daniel wants to have a discussion, he needs to present an argument. By having us look at these hyperlinks we are creating his argument for him. If he wants to discuss verses, he should respect our intelligence and just post the whole verse. He continues talking and brings up the God's commandments. Yes these are His commandments Daniel, but what happens yet again is that Daniel twists Paul's words to fit his own narrative. Paul's words are from God, Daniel's twisted interpretation is not. He keeps going on to disparage, distort, and rip verses out of context. So there is nothing new here. This has been happening pretty much every week. What the Scripture says is very basic. It tells husbands to love their wives. Wives provide love and respect to husbands. Now sure, Paul doesn't use politically correct language (to bad Daniel wasn't around to give him advice), but that's a message from the Scripture. And it's advice from marriage counselors. Men and women are different beings and have different needs. Daniel then suddenly becomes this rabid feminazi. These type of people are hardly taken seriously, it's going to be quite hard to take Daniel seriously... I'm confused as to why it is shocking that women are the physically weaker sex. Is this completely new news? I guess we'd have to ask the feminazis as well, but yes women are generally physically weaker than men. And so what? By urging husbands to love and respect and not abuse their wives, Peter is now sexist? This analysis just baffles me. I guess saying "be a man" is sexist too now. Sounds like more things from the feminazi agenda. Criticizing women is also sexist. Anything bad said about women is sexist. Once, again feminazi. I think according to modern feminazis, it's sexist to have a penis now. Can't have one of those anymore. I apologize if any of this is offending, but this "analysis" is completely absurd and mirrors that of a feminazi. It's a load of baloney that once again no one is going to buy.

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