Sunday, February 1, 2015

The Topic of Women

Daniel's Assertion
To be honest, I feel like a mosquito in a nudist colony. I don't know where to start.

Daniel has delightfully cherry picked passages from all over Scripture, ripped them out of context, and combined all this with his own deceitful interpretation in order to weave a narrative that the Bible is sexist and misogynist and that God hates women. I don't think any of us are surprised. We're all aware of Daniel's agenda to demagogue and mischaracterize Christianity.

Now I spent a good deal of time wondering how to go about dealing with Daniel's ridiculous interpretations and his intellectually dishonest analysis. I suppose I could go through each verse that he twisted and flipped inside out and point out how absurd it is that he projected his own opinions onto all of us and then pretended to prove that our beliefs are horribly sexist. I could point out how he contradicts his own argument, how he makes a caricature of the Law of Moses, how he completely disregards the concept of  "setting", and how silly he looks when he claims that the story of Samson is really a propaganda story for spreading sexism. But that would be tiring, frustrating, and most importantly, would lend credibility to the storyline he's trying to progress. So I'm not going to do this. Instead, I'll go through and make my own list of Scriptures that clearly show that men and women are equal in the eyes of God.

This is incredibly easy. We can start with Genesis 1:27 "27 So God created man in His own image, in the image and likeness of God He created him; male and female He created them." So right off the bat, it's established that both males and females were created in the image and likeness of God. Sounds pretty darn equal, but then again, maybe the Creation story is secret propaganda for misogyny and God's just trying to lure us into His book to spring sexism on us later. So let's look at some specific examples of women in the Bible.

We have women who were warriors and judges and even led the armies of Israel into battle (Deborah, Jael, and many others.) We've got a large number of female prophets (Miriam, Hulda, Anna.) We've got examples of strong women who played a big role in the lives of their families and sons (Sarah, Rebecca, Hannah.) We even have two books of the Bible named after women: Ruth and Esther. Daniel's really having problems with his "property of men and not human beings" narrative now, but there's more!

These women were the first missionaries
when the told others that Jesus has risen. 
We have the story of Mary, mother of Jesus. We have the stories of the female followers of Christ, who became the first missionaries when they spoke of His resurrection. We have Jesus Himself coming into conflict with the sexist Pharisees and standing up for the women that they targeted (which by the way was mentioned in my first rebuttal to Daniel's assertion on the law.) And should we point out that the Church is also a female? Misogyny? Sexism? Sub standard human beings? Daniel's claims are not adding up here.

Apostle Paul puts it directly, clearly, and without hesitation: "26 For in Christ Jesus you are all sons of God through faith. 27 For as many [of you] as were baptized into Christ [into a spiritual union and communion with Christ, the Anointed One, the Messiah] have put on (clothed yourselves with) Christ. 28 There is [now no distinction] neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is not male and female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus." Daniel is wrong. These are not our views, they’re not the views of Jesus, and they're most certainly not the views of God. These views should be lumped into the views of a different organization with Daniel. I've provided a link for him below:
Westboro Baptist Church


  1. Phillip I appreciate your notably intellectually structured side of the argument. I really like what you and Daniel are doing with this debate blog and I hope as it progresses that the two of you may each learn some new perspectives and understanding. Much of what you said I would've have said myself if I were the one writing this blog, and I agree with many of the points you made. The only two things I might've done differently that might help strengthen your argument would be to explain some of your points and expand by giving contextual analysis of your assertions, and refrain as much as possible from using ad hominem because it often gives off an air of superiority and might be seen as angry. Otherwise, I think this blog is really well done. I look forward to reading you and Daniel's blogs from time to time because I do sometimes enjoy a good debate, especially when it's on a topic of such importance.


  2. You guys have one heck of a blog going for you. I really admire how intellectually structured your blog is and how you and Daniel came up with sufficient evidence to support your arguments. You used evidence from what we learned in Bible class as well which, in my opinion, helps strengthen your argument a little. However, you didn't really back up your evidence a lot, so I would advise doing that for next time. I mean in all seriousness I think you may have given Daniel an opening to rip down your argument. Overall it was a great follow up to your first debate and I hope you guys have fun with it.
